The 9th EuroGOOS International Conference will take place on 14-15th October 2020 in Brest, France. Every three years, the conference provides a forum for a wide range of developers and users of operational oceanography services, such as marine scientists and technologists, companies, and policymakers. The conference analyses the current ocean monitoring and forecasting capacities and oceanographic services, identifying new scientific and technological priorities. The two days meeting will include plenary, splinter and poster sessions as well as round tables with focused discussions.
The themes of the conference are:
- Europe’s contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
- In-situ and remote sensing observations: towards a European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) in the framework of the Ocean Decade
- Ocean modelling and forecasting: extending and improving predictability
- Meeting end-user needs and supporting marine development
The deadline to submit an abstract is 31st May. Information about abstract submission here.