EMSO is a European research infrastructure consortium. At present eight countries participate to the consortium. EMSO members and governance structure is presented below.


The French Ministry of Research appointed IFREMER and CNRS to represent France within EMSO.

The Greek Research Funding Agency (General Secretariat for Research/Ministry of Development) appointed HCMR to be the leading organization of a consortium of other Research Institutes and Universities.

The Marine Institute is the national agency responsible for Marine Research, Technology Development and Innovation (RTDI).

Italy (host country)
The Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR) appointed INGV to represent the Italian scientific community of marine science distributed over different Italian Research Institutions.

The Kingdom of Norway is represented by The Research Council of Norway in EMSO.

The Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) represents Portugal in EMSO.

The Ministry of National Education (ANCS) appointed GeoEcoMar to represent Romania in EMSO.

The Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness (MINECO) is represented by PLOCAN within EMSO.


The Assembly of Members (AoM) is the highest decision-making body of EMSO ERIC, composed of delegates of the Members:

Miguel Miranda (Chair since 2020 ) (Portugal)
Didier Marquer (Vice Chair) (France)
Aristomenis Karageorgis (Greece)
Michael Gillooly (Ireland)
Cecilia Di Carlo (Italy)
Viorel Vulturescu (Romania)
Ana Aricha (Spain)
Pål Sørgaard (Norway)

The Chair, elected by AoM, shall be responsible for directing and conducting each meeting of the Assembly of Members, following the EMSO Statute, the Implementing Rules and applicable law.

The previous Chair of the EMSO AoM has been Richard Lampitt (September 2016 -August 2020).

Composed of independent experts, it is responsible for expressing opinions on the matters of scientific, technical and ethical nature which may influence the work carried out by EMSO ERIC, including ethical matters.

Members of the Advisory Committee:

  • Vito Vitale (Chair)
  • Alberto Basset
  • Pier Luigi Buttigieg
  • Rick Donselaar
  • Carlos Duarte
  • Peter Haugan
  • Shiuchi Kodaira
  • Pierre-Yves Le Traon
  • Kim Juniper
  • Monica Miguel Lago
  • Nicolas Pade
  • Montserrat Torne
  • Filippos Vallianatos
  • Christine Valentin
  • Robert A. Weller

The Director General (DG) is the legal representative of EMSO ERIC and Chief Executive Officer, responsible for the preparation and implementation of the decisions and the work program adopted by the Assembly of Members in consultation with the Executive

From May 2024 and until April 2027 the Director General in charge is Ingrid Puillat. The previous EMSO Director General positions have been covered by:
  • Aleardo Furlani (pro-tempore Director General from January 2024 to April 2024)
  • Juanjo Danobeita (Director General from October 2017 to December 2023)
  • Aleardo Furlani (Transition Manager from October 2016 to September 2017)

CMO is the operational unit supporting the Director General and the Executive Committee in implementing the decisions of the Assembly of Member. CMO act primarily as the operational and strategic arm of the Director General in promoting EMSO ERIC branding to other Member States and to stakeholders, in launching a wide range of services for users, in spurring innovation partnerships and in securing new funding from different sources for the operation, maintenance and expansion of the Research Infrastructure.

CMO, headed by the Director General, is presently composed by:
Angela Vulcano – Administration and Legal Compliance
Valentina Tegas – Policy and Project Management Officer
Laura Beranzoli – Science Officer
Ivan Rodero – Director, Information Technology and data Services
Aljaz Maslo – Data Officer
Simò Cusì – Engineering and Logistics Officer
Marco Galeotti – Programme and Industry relations Officer
Sara Pero – Communication Officer
Aleardo Furlani – Financial Officer
Antonella Iorio – Administration and Personnel Assistant

Supports the Director General with advices in the performance of his functions and by implementing the AoM decisions. It consists of one representative for each of the EMSO ERIC Regional Teams and one person responsible for each of the EMSO ERIC Service Groups.

The Executive Committee is presently composed by:
  • Pierre Marie Sarradin –   Azores Regional Team Leader
  • Vlad Radulescu – Black Sea Regional Team Leader
  • Eric Delory  – Canary Islands Regional Team Leader
  • George Petihakis – Cretan Sea and Hellenic Arc Regional Team Leader
  • Roberto Bozzano – Western Mediterranean Sea Leader
  • Carlos Sousa – Iberian Margin Regional Team Leader
  • Laurent Coppola – Ligurian Sea Regional Team Leader
  • Nadine Lanteri   – Molène Regional Team Leader
  • Ilker Fer – Nordic Seas Regional Team Leader
  • Joaquin del Rio – OBSEA Regional Team Leader
  • Alan Berry – SmartBay Regional Team Leader
  • Vanessa Cardin – South Adriatic Sea Leader
  • Davide Embriaco – Western Ionian Sea Regional Team Leader
  • Alfredo Martins – Engineering and Logistics Service Group Leader
  • Dominique Lefevre – Science Service Group Leader
  • Enoc Martinez – Data Management Service Group Leader
  • Donnelly Felicity – Communication Service Group Leader
  • Carlos Barrera – Innovation and Industry Service Group Leader

It includes staff belonging to one or more scientific institutions charged of operating the EMSO ERIC regional facilities (observatory platform, data accessibility and services to support users needs) in a particular region. The RT leaders are part of the Executive Committee.

The initial SGs started in EMSO ERIC are:

The Engineering & Logistics Service Group charged of supervising and reviewing technological, engineering and standardisation issues of the infrastructure. This Service Group works to implement interoperability and propose new mature technologies or new operating methods.

The Data Management Service Group face the data policy issue to ensure a wide and free access to the data.

The Science Service Group support Scientists and Companies willing to use the data or to access physically to Infrastructure for performing experiments.

The Communication Service Group is charge to promote EMSO branding worldwide, to facilitate the exchange of information inside the scientific community, to attract new users and stakeholders.

The SG representatives are part of the Executive Committee.