EMSO ERIC is an integrated system of innovative marine sensors for the industry, offering services and technologies, technical and scientific knowledge and capabilities, and solid operational expertise, with a strategic perspective in integrating Ocean Observing and Monitoring Technologies.

Plocan Offshore Platform

EMSO is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) with the primary aim to lead the advancement of knowledge of natural ocean processes and to understand and evaluate the anthropogenic effects in the water column, seafloor and sub-seafloor, promoting an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach to ocean observation.

EMSO is a distributed infrastructure made up of eleven regional facilities, and four of them are also test sites, located in key places around Europe, from the North East to the Atlantic, through the Mediterranean, to the Black Sea. Observatories are platforms equipped with multiple sensors, placed along the water column and on the seafloor. They continuously measure different Essential Ocean Variables (EOV) e.g. biogeochemical and physical parameters that address natural hazards, climate change and marine ecosystems. These large-scale facilities provide high-quality data at continental scale integrating the EMSO time series with data acquired from other locations. NeXOS & OBSEA collage

Commercial users are invited to exploit a portfolio of EMSO’s tailored services to boost their R&D activities related to the development and progress of marine technologies responding to the environmental demands of European society such as the Blue Growth Strategy of the EU H2020 Programme.

EMSO Services for commercial users are offered based on a win-win collaborative strategy, in the framework of Research, Development or Innovation ad-hoc projects with external funds and/or offered on market-based conditions.

Explore the EMSO ACCESS programme to initiate your collaboration with us. To learn more how we can help you advance your Ocean Technology do not hesitate to Contact Us.

EMSO’s Industrial and commercial services include, among others:

  • Provision of scientific knowledge and specialised infrastructures to validate, testing and contribute to the development of new sensor prototypes and/or observing platforms (fixed or mobile)

  • Provision of fixed-point observatory technology, including real time data collection that could optimize data collection

  • Improvements of offshore operators in the collection and processing of marine data for planning and operational purposes

  • Stimulating competition and innovation in established and emerging maritime sectors

  • Enriching company data through access to other relevant data sets

  • Provision of submarine communications cables not only to transport data but also to acquire oceanographic variables with the integration of specific sensors

  • Provision of a platform to share your data and data products in support of European research

  • Provision of test benches and innovation platforms.