EMSO Time Series Conference 2021
Call for proposals
1. Timeline
- Opening of the call: 14th November 2019
- Submission deadline: deadline extended to 1st March (17:00 Rome local time)
- Feedback to applicants: 1 st April 2020
- 2021 EMSO Time Series Conference: February-March 2021
2. Objectives of the call
EMSO Time-series Conferences (TSC) have so far demonstrated and developed the capacity of the international community to produce top quality science using multidisciplinary monitoring ocean data. The TSCs*, organised in the past on pre-defined topics, are a legacy of the ESONET network (European Seas Observatory NETwork). In the future, TSCs will be organised by EMSO every two years.
In view of the next TSC of 2021, EMSO is now launching a call for proposals in order to define the thematic focus area(s) of the conference and to organise and convene it. Applications are welcome from proponents based in and outside the EU. Suggested venues should be located in
The TSC typically lasts four days: two days of talks, two days for training. Both deal primarily with time-series analysis and address one or several key research topic(s) within the broad field of marine environmental sciences. The TSC shall help the development of synergies and theexchanges between researchers internationally and across disciplinary boundaries. The training part shall give young researchers and students a good opportunity to address their professional
and educational needs. Partnerships with other ocean monitoring initiatives for the organisation of the TSC are welcome.
The five different categories of scientific disciplines to be addressed in the EMSO TSC are:
– Geosciences
– Biogeochemistry
– Marine ecology
– Physical oceanography
– Innovative engineering and data management
3. Evaluation procedure for the proposals
Proposals will be ranked following external review by an ad hoc committee including members of the EMSO ERIC Executive Committee, and of the EMSO ERIC STEAC (Scientific, Technical, and Ethics Advisory Committee). Proponents can also suggest specific reviewers in the submission form.
Key criteria for proposal evaluation will be:
1- Scientific relevance and timeliness
2- Potential for developing new synergies between disciplines and across long-term
seafloor and water column monitoring facilities internationally
3- Feasibility (organising team, venue, budget…)
4. Funding
EMSO ERIC will provide up to 40 k€ financial support to organise the TSC, as well as practical support (suggestions and assistance for venue selection, web page, communication, registration, etc.). EMSO ERIC will also help the organising team seeking additional funding if necessary. A suitable person-month commitment of EMSO ERIC personnel will be agreed on with the successful applicants at the start of the conference planning.
The applicants will propose a budget, including EMSO ERIC requested support and any
additional funds available from their respective institutions and/or external sources at their
disposal. The proposed budget may include registration fees and should cover:
- Minimum funding for the work of the organising team (travel to at least two meetings,
preferably hosted at EMSO ERIC headquarters in Rome). - Travel support for at least eight invited speakers-trainers, and if possible, travel grants
for a minimum of eight students. - Funds for the venue and for social events (coffee breaks and at least partial support for
one get together dinner event). - Staff support for on-site assistance if necessary.
5. Proposal submission
Proponents are invited to use the provided form to make their proposals. The proposals should be submitted by email to: in a pdf format. A notification of reception by the EMSO ERIC will automatically be sent to the applicants.
Download the Submission form here.
*Here are the links to the three previous TSCs:
- “Time-series analysis” focusing on environmental science and applications to climate change, with a
particular focus on atmospheric composition and time-series measurements, 28 th January-1 st February
2019, Tromsø, Norway, - “Time-series analysis in environmental science and applications to climate change” 8-11 th November 2016,
Tromsø, Norway,
applications-to-climate-change/ - “Time-series analysis in marine science and applications for industry”, 17-21 st September 2012, Brest,