The 2nd Workshop of the eRImote project, a recently funded Horizon Europe project in which EMSO ERIC is closely involved, will be focused on “Remote operations for RI services and Data and access security”. The event will take place virtually on 24th October 2022 from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and on 25th October 2022 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm (CEST) with the following two main topics to be addressed:
- Remote operations of RI services;
- Data and access security in remote operations.
During the workshop the participants will investigate these topics from the perspectives of different scientific domains and RIs through several experts’ short presentations, sharing of experience and active discussions about the challenges to be tackled.
The workshop is open to everyone and it is a great opportunity to learn more about the eRImote project that aims at developing tailored solutions for digital and remote service provision across RI domains and for transferable practices and new developments that will improve the accessibility and resilience of Research infrastructures.
For more details, the full programme and registration, visit the workshop web page.
To know more about the eRimote project click here.