Procurement of Communication and organization services in the framework of the EMSO ERIC Time Series Conference 2021
Call for proposals
The present Call for proposals is intended for the procurement of communication and events organization services on behalf of EMSO ERIC (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and Water-Column Observatory European Research Infrastructure Consortium) Central Management Office (CMO), in order to support the completion of the EMSO ERIC Time Series Conference (TSC) foreseen on 20-22, October 2021.
Contracting Authority
The European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water column Observatory (EMSO) is a Research Infrastructure at fixed-point monitoring nodes connecting European marine research facilities: from the North Atlantic, to the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. It currently comprises 12 (twelve) open ocean facilities including 3 (three) shallow water test sites (see for details). EMSO is a European Institution set up as an ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium) by decision of the European Commission (September 29, 2016). Its Members are currently States from the European Union although it is open to other external members. Additional information is available on EMSO ERIC website: EMSO ERIC is an equal opportunity employer. As such, it does not discriminate in terms of race, age, gender, religion or sexual orientation. |
This document describes the procurement process and how to submit a tender. Information about the work to be carried out and the tenderer’s responsibilities is provided in the Terms of Reference.
1. Scope
The communication of the activities and results to the general public, its partners and stakeholders is a core function of EMSO ERIC, contributing to its strategic objectives. The purpose of the work to be contracted is the provisioning of added-value communication services in the implementation of communication activities related to the organization of the EMSO ERIC Time Series Conference (TSC). Specific knowledge and experience with European marine science and technology organizations and activities are highly considered.
Furthermore, experience with European marine research infrastructures and European organizations and activities involving marine science and technology data and services are desirable.
2. Estimated schedule, deadlines and submission of tender
Tenders shall be submitted by email by March 16th, 2021 noon CET. Only one tender will be accepted from each candidate.
Event | Deadline |
Invitation to tender sent | February 23th, 2021 |
Tender submission deadline | March 16th, 2021 by 12.00 midday (CET) |
Opening of tenders[1] | March 17th, 2021 |
Candidate selection | March 17th, 2021 |
Start of work | March 20th, 2021 |
[1] Tenders will be open at and by EMSO ERIC. No public opening of tenders.
3. Communication and questions
The contact person is the recipient for all communications to EMSO ERIC. Until signing of the contract, no communication shall take place between candidates and persons at EMSO ERIC other than EMSO ERIC’s contact person.
4. Contact person
Name: Angela Vulcano
Office phone: 06 45431040
5. Language
All communication between the candidate and EMSO ERIC shall be in English. All tender documents must be written in English.
6. Questions and answers
Questions to the procurement or documents must be e-mailed to EMSO ERIC’s contact person no later than March 16th, 2021 at 12.00.
7. Corrections, additions and changes to the tender documents
Candidates are kindly requested to notify EMSO ERIC’s contact person, in writing, about any errors found in the terms of reference.
8. Rejection and cancellation
Tenders submitted after the deadline will be rejected. Tenders lacking any required information may also be rejected. EMSO ERIC will, as soon as possible, contact candidates whose tenders become rejected, with a justification for the rejection. EMSO ERIC may, at any time, cancel the tender. All candidates will be notified as soon as possible.
9. Contract
The contract is expected to be signed before March 30th, 2021. The contract is expected to end on November 30th, 2021 but may be extended for an additional period of 6 months, until May 31st, 2022, in case the date of the event will be subject to substantial changes. Payments shall be made in accordance with the terms of reference.
10. Content of tender
The tender shall be structured as follows:
- CV. This part must include the curriculum vitae of the team leader, other team members, including the person responsible for quality control and the experts who will perform the tasks of this assignment. It must be demonstrated that the persons have the necessary skills to perform all tasks foreseen in the ToR. The CVs for the team leader and any experts should be, in total, no more than 3 pages in length, and in European Format.
- Summary of experience with similar work. This section shall consist of brief descriptions of the most relevant experiences of the candidate. This section should be no more than 1 page in length.
- Description of the applicant’s approach in delivering the requested services and, if applicable, any specific methodology that will be applied in this assignment. The tenderer should explain the way in which he/she proposes to provide the communication services. This entails a clear description of the methodology that the tenderer proposes to use, including a work program explaining the way in which he/she proposes to perform the assignment, in line with all relevant specifications of the ToR. It should include a description of the tasks, an indicative work schedule and the resources that will be used to carry out the assignment.
- Understanding of the assignment and expected results. This part should summarize the most important aspects of the assignment, as perceived by the tenderer.
- Systems for quality assurance. This section should outline how the quality of the assignment will be assured.
- Availability within the period March 30th, 2021 – November 30th, 2021. This part should indicate the availability of the team leader and staff within the proposed time period.
- Price Specification, including daily rates, use of senior/junior consultants, total number of days planned and travel costs. The section should include an overview of daily rates for the proposed consultants and indicate how much time is needed for each.
11. Award criteria
Each tender will be assessed as described in the table below. The contract will be awarded to the offer with the overall highest score.
To be assessed | Source of information |
1. Competence/experience 50/100: | |
1.1 Team Leader
Max points: 10 |
CV |
1.2 Previous experience
Max points: 40 |
Evidence of experience with similar work |
TOTAL 50/100 |
2. Quality of proposal 30/100: |
2.1 Understanding of the assignment and expected results
Max points: 5 |
Evidence showing understanding of the assignment |
2.2 Approach and methodology
Max points: 20 |
Details on proposed approach |
2.3 System for quality assurance
Max points: 10 |
Details of system for quality assurance |
Quality of proposal
TOTAL 30/100 |
3. Price 20/100: | |
3.1 Daily rates, use of time and combination senior/junior consultants
Max points: 20 |
Based on daily rate and time estimate |
TOTAL 20/100 |