EMSO ERIC is participating in the biannual interdisciplinary Conference on “Dynamics of Socio-Economic Systems” (DySES) that is taking place in Paris from 9th to 12th October.
The main – but not only – theme of DySES concerns systemic risk, risk management applied to various fields as economics, finance, insurance.
The conference aims at gathering together people from existing networks from different disciplines, so to provide a unique opportunity for practitioners, academics and regulators to exchange new ideas and tools on both theoretical and empirical grounds.
Two EMSO ERIC Project Managers, Maria I. Fredella and Paola Materia, are attending.
Fredella is representing the Consortium in the Conference Advisory Board. Fredella and Materia will further contribute to the conference by giving a talk titled “Risk Management Systems to underpin enterprise performance. Innovative methodologies in the management of European Research Infrastructures (RIS). The case study on the EMSO ERIC”, within the “Risk management for enterprises and complex structures” session.
Find all the information about DySES on the conference website.
The scientific program and the book of presentations of the conference can be found here.
DySES 2018 is organized by the Université Paris1 Panthéon Sorbonne, the University of Sannio, the Laboratory of Excellence for Financial Regulation (LabEx-ReFi ) and by the CNRS.