The Forum on International Cooperation among Environmental Research Infrastructures (Ris), organized by the COOP+ project, will take place in Brussels, on November 19th 2018.
The aim of the Forum is to provide the RIs with an opportunity to better develop the long-term planning of international collaborations, while at the same time stimulate new cooperative initiatives. The topics that will be discussed at the event include, but are not limited to:
- present status of the international cooperation for environmental RIs
- analyse the critical issues that still have to be dealt with to make the international cooperation among research infrastructures fruitful,
- enhance the international cooperation of environmental RIs
- launch an international board driving the international cooperation on the basis of a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for coordinating, developing, exploiting and enhancing interoperability of RIs
The purposes of the Forum fall within the main goal of the Horizon 2020 project COOP+, which is to to strengthen the links among the ESFRI RIs related to marine sciences, Arctic research and biodiversity with some International counterparts for leveraging international scientific cooperation.
EMSO ERIC, which is involved in the COOP+ project, will be represented at the event by the Director General Juan José Dañobeitia, who will give a talk titled “Best practises of International initiatives among environmental Ris: The EMSO initiative for marine Ris”
Furthermore, Laura Beranzoli from INGV and Diarmuid O’Conchubhair from Marine Institute will also attend and give a talk.
Registration to the Forum are open until October 25th.
The registration form and all the information on the event can be found here.