In order to contribute minimizing the spread of COVID-19, the EGU officially announced the cancellation of the physical EGU General Assembly 2020 (3-8 May) in Vienna, Austria.
A week long series of online activities to be held during the first week of May called EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online (#shareEGU20) have been planned to support the community by keeping fostering scientific communication. As stated by EGU president Alberto Montanari and EGU Programme Committee Chair Susanne Buiter:
“EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Online will allow abstract authors to share presentation materials and open these for live discussion as well as participate in a selection of online networking events. We are also planning additional activities that will extend into the rest of the year and will provide more information about all of these events in the coming weeks“.
All the details and FAQ about the general assembly cancellation and the online activities can be found at this link: