EuroGOOS Technology Plan Working Group and the EuroGOOS Office are organizing the First EOOS Technology Forum with the collaboration of IFREMER and OGS.
The EOOS Technology Forum will be an online event on the 13th of October 2020.
It aims to:
- Break down the barriers between the private and public sectors, and between industry and the scientific community, by building a sharing community of individuals, groups and organizations to facilitate the healthy exchange of information, knowledge and expertise;
- Initiate a mapping and assessment of the technologies employed in operational oceanography in Europe, in the physical, biogeochemical and biological domains, working across institutions, companies and individuals;
- Identify the main gaps in operational areas, from the perspective of operations in observing technologies (e.g. calibration and reference material, deployment and recovery, data reliability, data sharing and data formats, biofouling, etc);
- Identify equipment needed to systematically measure the EOVs defined by the Global Ocean Observing System, GOOS;
- Foster partnerships to promote the development of instrumentation to meet the observing requirements;
- Identify themes and propose future workshops and events focusing on observing technologies.
Read more about the event in the official website: the registration form and the agenda will be soon available.