After the huge success of the Time series Conference 2021 titled “Observing Ocean Sound”, an activity realized as part of the United Nations “Ocean Decade” endorsed action “One Ocean Network for Deep Observation “, that took place in PLOCAN in October 2021, EMSO ERIC is launching a call for proposals in order to define the thematic focus area(s), the organizing/convening team(s) and the venue of the next EMSO Time Series Conference (TSC), to be held in the second half of 2023.

In line with previous TSCs, the TSC2023 shall help develop synergies and exchanges between researchers internationally and across disciplinary boundaries.

The training part of the TSC shall give young researchers and students an opportunity to address their professional and educational needs.

Partnerships with other ocean monitoring initiatives for the organization of the TSC are welcome.

The TSC2023 is included in the plan of activities for 2023 to support the United Nations “Ocean Decade” endorsed action “One Ocean Network for Deep Observation “.


The deadline for proposal submission is June 8th, 2022, at 17:00 CET.


All the details are provided in the TSC 2023 Call for proposals.