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The Into The Deep – Marine Citizen Science Webinar,” will take place on September 27, 2024, from 10:00 to 12:00 CET in online format.

Organized by the Interchange Non-profit gUG, this event will bring together marine scientists, educators and conservation activists to present and discuss how citizen science hands on and digital initiatives can successfully connect people to their Oceans, and support pro-environmental behavioural change.

Into The Deep brings the worlds deep ocean to your laptop. In this event we will present how we have built learning modules + a tailored participatory science tool around four distinct deep sea marine habitats. Each shows the impact which human behaviour has on them, then empowers users to use a new web-based image analysis tool, know as BiiGLE PARTY, to make species observations in sea floor images. The UPC, as a partner in this project, has developed the course “Coastal NorthWestern Mediterranean (Catalan) Ecosystems”. This aims at monitoring the underwater performance of artificial reefs. Placement of artificial reefs has been proven to be an effective technology to protect the coastal line and to restore damaged ecosystems.

Further information on this Project is available here

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EMSO ERIC was established as a European Research Infrastructure Consortium by the European Commission in 2016. Decision of September 29th 2016 - 2016/1757/EU. Fiscal Code 97908370584 VAT Number 14062811006