We are excited to announce the launch of the first Call for the EMSO Mobility of Personnel Program (MoP)! This initiative provides opportunities for EMSO staff members to share knowledge and gain hands-on experience through short stays at other Regional Facilities. The MoP will be organized either on a unilateral or bilateral basis.

The total budget for 2025 is €12,000, to be distributed to the successful applicants to support travels, accommodations and meals expenses.

Applications must be submitted to the EMSO ERIC Central Management Office by email to mobility_grant@emso-eu.org using the the Application form.

A committee appointed by the Director General will evaluate the applications.

The deadline for proposal submissions is March 15, 2025, and staff mobility activities are planned to begin in May 2025.

Please refer to the full Call document for more details.

While this program is exclusive to EMSO member staff for now, we aim to its success paves the way for a future expansion of this opportunity with the scope to include also external talented researchers, subject to successful dedicated funding applications.