The Blue-Cloud 2026 team is gathering for its 4th General Assembly (GA) meeting and Technical and Scientific Committee (TSC) meeting, which takes place at the Instituto Hidrográfico in Lisbon, Portugal, from 5 to 8 November 2024. This meeting offers the consortium a valuable opportunity to reflect on the progress made over the first two years of the project and to plan the upcoming activities necessary for the successful implementation of Blue-Cloud.
As part of the event, the Blue-Cloud team also hosts the 1st Federation Workshop. The workshop aims to evaluate Blue-Cloud’s federated services in relation to the needs and challenges of other marine and climate research infrastructures. It will encourage discussions on the practical impact of open science federation.
The agenda is still under development, but the main activities for each day are as follows:
- 5 November 2024: General Assembly and internal meetings with Blue-Cloud partners
- 6 November 2024: Federation Workshop
- 7 November 2024: Technical and Scientific Committee meeting
Please note that registration for the General Assembly and Technical and Scientific Committee meetings is closed and is limited to Blue-Cloud 2026 members.
If you are a member please register using this link