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We are happy to announce the GEO-INQUIRE online workshop on ‘Generating earthquake slip on complex geological faults: combining EFSM20 and k223d/ANTI-FASc’. This event will be a 3 hour workshop. The training goals will be covered in a short online training session, which uses a mix of PowerPoint presentations and live demonstrations using QGIS, jupyterlab notebooks, and k223d and ANTI-FASc codes. All codes and notebooks will be made freely available online before the training.

The aim is to provide users with an overview of representing geologically complex faults, from mapping to meshing and simulating earthquakes on them. Training will involve familiarisation with the EFSM20 database, using it to mesh a fault, and finally generate a stochastic slip distribution on it.


  • Roberto Basili (INGV) and Rita Chiara Taccone(INGV): Representing complex geological faults.
  • Shane Murphy(Ifremer) and André Herrero (INGV): Earthquake slip on non-planar faults.
  • Antonio Scala (UNINA): Set of slip distributions for tsunami hazard and forecasting purposes

Date: Monday, 4 November 2024, from 9:00 to 12:00 CET

Location: Virtual training course. Register here!

Speaker: Roberto Basili (INGV), Rita Chiara Taccone(INGV), Shane Murphy (Ifremer), Andre Herrero (INGV), Antonio Scala (UNINA)

Research fields: Structural geology, seismology, geodesy, tsunami, seismic hazard, tsunami hazard

Target audience: Researchers interested in simulating earthquakes for use in seismology geodesy and tsunami science.

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of the seismic source and scaling laws; computational background (basic knowledge of GIS, python, fortran)

Learning goals:

  • Overview of mapping geological faults
  • Introduction to EFSM20
  • Live demonstration on how to mesh a fault
  • Overview of stochastic slip distributions
  • Introduction to k223d programme
  • A brief discussion about earthquake size and scaling laws
  • Participants will generate their own stochastic slip distributions for individual earthquakes using k223d
  • Participants will generate sets of stochastic slip distributions tailored for tsunami hazard and forecasting applications using ANTI-FASc
  • Provide a final discussion on potential uses for EFSM20 and stochastic slip distributions

The training includes three  Geo-INQUIRE Virtual Accesses:

  • VA2-33-1 (European Databases of Seismogenic Faults)
  • VA4-532-5 (Slip@Ifremer)
  • VA4-532-6 (Slip@UNINA)

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